Performance-friendly versions of the original plants. Arugula, Beans, Beet, Berries, Blueberries, Cabagge, Carrot, Coffee, Corn, Cotton, Cucumber, Eggplant, Garlic, Grape, Hazelnut, Hemp, Lattuce, Flax, Mint, Onion, Parsley, Peas, Pepper, Potato, Pumpkin, Rice, Spinach, Strawberry, Sugarcane, Sunflower, Tea, Tobacco, Tomatoes, Turnip, Watermelon, Wheat, Zucchini,Broccoli. The package includes impostors for a total of 38 plant varieties. Additionally, there are impostor versions for both the early green stages and the late yellowed stages of Wheat and Flax plants. 


Farming Impostors